Monday, May 31, 2010

News Herald Tomorrow!

Tomorrow I will be starting my internship at the News Herald and I wanted to tell everyone about my blog and what I am going to do. Every day I work at the News Herald, I will post an outtake or the best shot of the day along with a small journal of my experiences and thoughts during the summer. So if you want to keep up with me this summer, follow my blog! Thanks for your support! 


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CBS Face the Nation - RITchie

My photo was showcased on a "special edition" of CBS Face the Nation around 1:06 for RITchie's sad face at the Frozen Four 2010.

Hocking Hills and Emily, the Yoga Instructor

My dad and I took a trip down to southern Ohio today to visit Hocking Hills.  This was my first time down to these parts of Ohio, and I enjoyed it.  Photographed some various nature scenes but I was interested in photographing the people interacting with nature.  I met Emily Estes, an upcoming yoga instructor in the Hocking Hills area, who will teach yoga in Hocking Hills.  I wanted to photograph her because I came across the idea of her interacting with the waterfall and scenery around her.  My result is the picture below.

All in all.  Had a blast stepping away for a day and going out for a couple of hikes with my Dad.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top Hat Chimney

Here is a project I started with class.  I did this assignment on Gene from Top Hat Chimney in Rochester, NY.  I was intrigued by his past experience as a firefighter and his interest in chimneys.  I was really interested in Gene's devotion for his craft in cleaning the chimneys from start to finish.  He would throughly clean and inspect the chimneys for any issues of future fires.  Here is a select few images from the total take.  Do not know yet if I will make this into a deeper story or not but thought I would put these images out there.

If I was to photograph this deeper, I would dive deeper into his life and try to connect his past experiences as a firefighter with his job as a chimney sweeper.  Right now, my images have just scratched the surface.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Free Helicopter Rides at RIT? Yes!

I had the chance to ride a helicopter today for my first time! Woo!  I was driving home from photographing my chimney sweeper I am doing a story on and saw a helicopter circling the campus.  I thought either someone died or there were free helicopter rides!  After I found out they were giving out free rides, I had the chance to go up and photograph two Women's Lacrosse captains from RIT who got VIP passes for the event.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Strong men and weights.

Men and women (didn't see any of the woman classes) with really big muscles lifting, pulling, pushing really heavy things.  This event was going on all day at Imagine RIT 2010 and is a classic every year.  I photographed the last event where the men were lifting 400 or so pounds across a distance and where timed.  It was really cool to see the power and strength.

Here are a select few from the end of the day.

A canoe made out of concrete?

Visitors will learn that concrete can float—when RIT students demonstrate the canoe they designed and built for an annual intercollegiate competition.

Unity @ RIT Human Rights Watch Exhibit

Visitors can create a unique piece of art to show support of various human rights issues. Watch throughout the day as the display grows bigger and bigger and shows off our Unity here at RIT!

Brick City Singers

Brick City Singers singing at the Simone Circle at Imagine RIT 2010.

Dr. Destler's Green Vehicle Challenge

First event of the day. The race is a green challenge for participants to race against each other and produce the least amount of wattage while racing. The winner was Andy Harlan, #1217 of CIMS/GIS and he won a 1890 antique banjo from Dr. Destler's own personal collection.

Here are a select set of images from the event.

For more images visit,