Looking back over the summer, I have made many photographs while working for the News-Herald. I have photographed breaking news, sporting events, little kids events, a fair share of portraits, and more. As the summer progressed, I learned what it was like to work as a professional photographer in the daily grind of a newspaper. I have found working at a newspaper is both hard and rewarding work. The workplace was dynamic because I had the chance to meet new people and explore new places everyday. As I met these new people, I had the opportunity to make a photo of them and tell their story. This opportunity is what drives me to continue to photograph. Newspapers give the people a chance to learn about their community and read different stories going on each day. I became a part of this process this summer and learned new things about Northeast, OH by photographing daily life.
Going over all my photos and blog posts this summer, I have selected a few photographs which stand out to me as my best work from this summer.
Girls under the age of six beat the boys of the same age in a tug of war competition at the First Annual Kids Fest in Chardon Square on August 12th, 2010.
Kids participate in the Oreo Cookie Licking Contest held by The Simon Kidgits Club at Great Lakes Mall on June 5th, 2010 in Mentor, OH.
Skye Rupnow squirts water into Desirae Fecney while taking a break on their sailboat during the Spirit of America July 6th, 2010 at Lake Metroparks Fairport Harbor Park. Because of the high heat during the sailboating lessons, the boats were given squirtguns and the students enjoyed shooting water at each other to cool down.